Tuesday, 30 June 2009

Quote of the Day - The OC Supertones

"Kids in universities, drowning in an ocean of apostate philosophy, we need apologetic instruction, mental reconstruction, ignorance reduction, to halt the mass abduction, evangelical mind has been scandalized, wisdom and truth have been vandalized, by the unevangelized, no truth in a world that is randomized, expose the lies no matter how they're disguised."

Taken from their song "Grounded" which is on the album "Chase the Sun" I thought this quote was very relevant to my work with students. What a huge challenge to be a student or work with them!

My only post of this month, hopefully there will be more in the coming weeks, some album reviews, book reviews and some updates on London Urban Mission.


  1. what is 'apologetic instruction' ?

  2. Apologetics is to do with defending the Christian faith. An example would be answer questions on things like; the historicity of the Bible, suffering and evil, aren't all religions essentially the same. That's not a concise of comprehensive definition but hopefully it makes sense. So apologetic instruction is helping/teaching people how to do that.
