Tuesday, 24 December 2013

He is there and He is not silent

The essence of the Christmas story is this:

God is not silent

God is not distant

God is not aloof

He is up close and personal.

The Christmas story is much more than a baby in a manger, it's the story of salvation for the world. It's a story of love. The Son of God enters our mess and deals with it because He loves us.

The Triune God did not just write a message in the sky, keeping His distance from us. The Father sent the Son and the Son willingly came to live amongst us. He was seen, heard, witnessed to and proclaimed.

At Christmas we celebrate Jesus coming to earth to identify with us, live the life that we couldn't live, die the death we deserved to die and rise again to give us life to the full now and forever.

Jesus comes to draw us into fellowship with Himself and the Father through the Spirit and that fellowship is like the welcoming, relaxing, joyful occasion of a family meal, it is intimate and wonderful. 

The Christmas story is for our joy and for the glory of God. 

Happy Christmas! 

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